Spring Clean Your Cooking Routine

Spring cleaning has arrived in our house! Just like it’s important to periodically deep clean and purge unnecessary clutter around the house, it’s helpful to reevaluate your meal planning, shopping and food prepping routine too. Here are a few simple steps for spring cleaning your cooking routine as we head into this new season.

Step 1: Take inventory of your pantry

Now is the perfect time to venture into the depths of the pantry to see exactly what you have, then strategize how to use it (or if needed, toss it!). Take inventory of your shelf-stable items to avoid purchasing duplicates and remember to restock your favorite staples that make weekday meal assembly a breeze. Some of my favorite pantry items include canned tomatoes and jarred tomato sauce, no salt added canned beans, low sodium vegetable broth or bone broth, whole grains like quinoa, raw unsalted nuts, a variety of seeds, and a plethora of flavor boosters like vinegars.

Step 2: Embrace seasonal produce

One simple way to get out of a cooking rut is to switch up your go-to fruits and vegetables based on the season. Bonus: this also means fresher and less expensive finds! Some of my favorite spring produce includes asparagus, brussels sprouts, cabbage, mushrooms, and pears. Check out this Spring Time Recipe Pack HERE.

Step 3: Find a meal planning method that actually works

Dedicating time to freshen up your cooking routine can produce results that last. A simple, well-planned menu and well-stocked kitchen zones will reduce your stress in the kitchen and can reduce the reliance on takeout. Creating an intentional weekly meal plan is key to staying on track with your goals. Looking for easy recipe inspiration for quick healthy meals? Access my thousands of healthy, simple recipes by signing up for a FREE TRIAL of my customizable digital meal plans HERE.

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